Not The Same La Quinta
Kathy Gottberg is a published author and blogs at She can be reached at: I grew up in La Quinta. In 1963 my parents bought a home on Ave. Carranza where the road in front of our house was dirt and there was only one other house on...
Frank Capra – La Quinta Museum Exhibit
It’s no secret that filmmaker Frank Capra loved La Quinta and considered the La Quinta Hotel his lucky charm after collaborating with Robert Riskin on the screenplay for “It Happened One Night” while staying in one of the casitas. The 1934 movie, starring Clark Gable and Claudette Colbert, won five...
National Bike to Work Day
If you have been looking for an excuse to get a little more exercise, National Bike to Work Day on Friday, May 19, might be the perfect day to trade your car keys for a bicycle and helmet. La Quinta prides itself on being a bike friendly community, with nearly...